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Meet 2021 AYOF’s inspiring global panels from South Korea, South Africa, and the US!

They are the leading teaching artists who bring social change and promote racial and social inclusivity and diversity in the global classical music scene.

They showcase the global citizenship and diverse roles of musicians in 21st century as community builders, mentors, and cultural ambassadors.


Il Hwan  Bai

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Professor at Ewha Womans Univ. 

  • Executive Director of Beautiful Mind Charity  

  • Former Diplomatic Envoy for Cultural Affairs and Information on behalf of Korea

  • Indiana Univ, D.M Course.

  • Yale Univ, M.M.

  • The Julliard School, B.M

Speaker: Il Hwan Bai

Jeremy Silver

University of Cape Town

South Africa

  • Director of Opera School at Univ. of Cape Town        

  • Former Principal conductor of Opera Africa               

  • Former music director of Melting Pot Choral  Festival in South Africa

  • Former assistant director of Glyndebourne    Festival Opera in UK

  • Performed La bohème and Le Nozze di Figaro     with Cape Town Opera and Lucia di Lammermoor with  Gauteng Opera in South Africa 

  • Operatic studies at National Opera Studio, London

  • Studied conducting at Royal College of Music

  • Studied music and language at Clare College, Cambridge 

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Speaker: Jeremy Silver
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Eriel  Huang

Johannesburg Youth Orchestra

South Africa

  • Co-concert master of KZN Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Board of South Africa Strings Foundation and Johannesburg Youth Orchestra Company 

  • Representative at UN ECOSOC Youth Forum, G8, COP17, Nobel Laureate Youth Summit  

  • Teaching residencies in Venezuela, Afghanistan, Japan, and Eswatini  

  • Sistema Fellowship at New England Conservatory of Music 

  • Former lead violinist of band Sterling EQ 

  • Univ. of Cape Town, masters in violin, social development, conflict resolution 

  • Univ. of Pretoria, B.M.

Speaker: Eriel Huang

Yurhee Chae

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Lecturer at Ewha Womans Univ. 

  • Adjunct Professor at Joongang Univ. 

  • Principal Cello of the Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra 

  • The Juilliard School, Professional Studies

  • Stony Brook Univ., D.M.A.

  • Yale Univ., M.M.

  • Seoul National Univ., B.M.


In Sang Cho

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Professor at Nazareth Univ. 

  • Concert Master of the Cheonansi Chuhgnam Korea Music Orchestra 

  • University of Minnesota, M.M., D.M.

  • Indiana Univ., B.M.

Mi Ryoung Kim

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Lecturer at Sunhwa Arts High School,             Ewha Womans Univ. 

  • Member at Trio K, Millennium Symphony  

  • Former Lecturer at Chicago Virtuoso Performing Art School, Mayfair School, Anyang Univ. 

  • Former Member at West Michigan Symphony Orchestra, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Lansing Symphony Orchestra

  • Michigan State Univ. D.M.A in Violin, M.M. in Viola

  • Ewha Womans Univ., B.M., M.M.


Ki Bum Park

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Professor at Chuncheon National University of  Education

  • Adjunct Professor at Hanyang Univ. 

  • Performed with Korean Symphony Orchestra, Kangnam Symphony, Bucheon Philharmonic orchestra 

  • Fellowship at Aspen Music Festival

  • Stony Brook Univ., D.M.

  • New York Mannes School of Music,  M.M.

  • Seoul National Univ., B.M.

Sun Rang Cho

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  •  Professor at Kwangwoon Univ.

  • Indiana Univ., Artist Diploma

  • New England Conservatory, M.M.

  • Carnegie Mellon Univ, B.M. 


Mini Kim

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Lecturer at Deoksung Womans Univ. Music Academy, Gyewon Arts High School 

  • Principal at Korea Coop Orchestra 

  • Member at Korea Artbility Chamber 

  • Indiana Univ., M.M., Artist Diploma 

  • Seoul National Univ., B.M.

Junghyun Oh

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Lecturer at Gacheon Univ.

  • Member at Classican Ensemble  

  • Former Lecturer at Sangmyung Univ., Suwon Univ. 

  • Ewha Womans Univ., D.M.A 

  • Performed with Ewha Chamber Orchestra, Seoul String Ensemble 

  • Fellowship and Scholarship at Aspen Music Festival

  • The Julliard School,  B.M., M.M.


Jungyang Shin

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Faculty at Korea National University of Arts and Advanced Institute at Seoul Arts Center 

  • Rice Univ., D.M. 

  • Florida Univ., M.M. 

  • Korea National University of Arts, B.M. 

Speaker: Jungyang Shin

Geonho Kim

BeautifulMind Charity

South Korea

  • Solist with Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra [Together Concert] (Sejong Chamber Hall)

  • ODIN International Composition Competition - 1st Prize

  • Canadian International Music Competition  - Rising Star Category 1st Prize

  • Geonho Kim Piano Recital /Complete J.S.Bach Inventions & Sonfonias              (Prugio Art Hall)

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Speaker: Gunho Kim
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